
IAMRS Vice President Attends Shieffeld Training Course 

Vice President of the Iraqi Assiciation for Medical Research and  Studies participates in the workshop of the University of Sheffield in Baghdad




Assistant Professor Dr. Sadiq Hassan the member in the Faculty of Medicine and Vice President of the IAMRS participated in a workshop entitled “Gate-way in medical education course” in a series of workshops organized by the Medical Education Unit at Baghdad University College of Medicine under the supervision of Sheffield University in the United Kingdom. The workshop was led by Prof. Nigel Pax and Prof. Deborah Bax of the Faculty of Medicine-Sheffield in the presence of the Minister of Health and Environment Dr. Adelah Hammoud, Dr. Jawad Al-Shareef and professors and trainees from the Arab Council for Medical Specialties and the Ministry of Health.

During the workshop, the basic principles of teaching and learning were presented and discussed in the modern integrated medical curriculum, clinical training, supervising the training and teaching of students, assessment of the exam, follow-up of evaluation and quality of the medical curriculum.

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