
Basra COVID-19 1st six weeks experience

The following research team had been publishing a research paper: –
1. Professor Dr. Omran Sukar Habib
2. Dr. Alaa Hussein Abd
3. Dr. Haider Abdul Razzaq Al-Tamimi
4. Dr. Wael Jassim Al-Shihaby
5. Dr. Basim Abdul Karim Abdul Hassan
6. Dr. Qasim Ahmed Jabra
7. Dr. Zuhair Abdul Karim Al-Salami
8. Dr. Durgham Arif Al-Ajwady
9. Dr. Amer Salman Dawood

The research paper is about

Covid 19: The first six weeks of experience in Basra

And that is in the alumni blogs of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

In this paper, Dr. Imran Sukkar and his research team explain the course of the pandemic during the first six weeks in Basra, as well as the strategies applied to deal with it.

This research paper comes among the dozens of research that the Iraqi Society for Medical Research and Studies has started implementing within the framework of the research initiative to study the Corona pandemic in partnership with the Basra Health Department

To download the research paper, use the following link


With regards
Iraqi Association for Medical Research and Studies

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